Ten Two tehn-tu noun
This is what happens when beer goggles are worn. You go home with a ten and wake up with a two with regards to attractiveness ratings.
Ten Two tehn-tu noun
This is what happens when beer goggles are worn. You go home with a ten and wake up with a two with regards to attractiveness ratings.
Trashed trashd noun
"Drunk. See hammered
Trashed trashd noun
"Drunk. See hammered
Trough troff noun
"A urination device that is found in many bars in which a long recepticle is bolted to the wall. These are usually made out of metal and can accomodate multiple people. They afford zero privacy and for some reason many times they contain ice. Is only designed to handle number 1s
Trough troff noun
"A urination device that is found in many bars in which a long recepticle is bolted to the wall. These are usually made out of metal and can accomodate multiple people. They afford zero privacy and for some reason many times they contain ice. Is only designed to handle number 1s
Underling un-dur-leeng noun
An underling is a bar back or helper. They do all of the crappy jobs in the bar that nobody else wants to do.
Underling un-dur-leeng noun
An underling is a bar back or helper. They do all of the crappy jobs in the bar that nobody else wants to do.
Urinal Mint yer-un-el mint noun
A big white circular cake that is placed in urinals to keep them from smelling foul. Urinal mints are also noted for their ability to block drains and cause urine to splatter on user if direct contact is made with strong stream.
Urinal Mint yer-un-el mint noun
A big white circular cake that is placed in urinals to keep them from smelling foul. Urinal mints are also noted for their ability to block drains and cause urine to splatter on user if direct contact is made with strong stream.
Urinal yer-e-nul noun
"A urinal is a hanging toilet found in a bar or public restroom. they usually comprise of of bowl with a white cake or mat to cut down on the smell. They are often filled with ice.
Urinal yer-e-nul noun
"A urinal is a hanging toilet found in a bar or public restroom. they usually comprise of of bowl with a white cake or mat to cut down on the smell. They are often filled with ice.
Vert verht noun
Short for pervert. Also related to Chester or Dirty Old Man. A creepy guy who hangs out in a bar and leers just a little too much.
Vert verht noun
Short for pervert. Also related to Chester or Dirty Old Man. A creepy guy who hangs out in a bar and leers just a little too much.
Victory Prima Pils Beer
Victory Prima Pils is a PA based beer brewed by Victory Brewing Company.
Victory Prima Pils Beer
Victory Prima Pils is a PA based beer brewed by Victory Brewing Company.
Victory Storm King Beer
Victory Storm King is a PA based beer brewed by Victory Brewing Company.
Victory Storm King Beer
Victory Storm King is a PA based beer brewed by Victory Brewing Company.
Vini Vidi Vici vee-ne vee-de vee-che verb
"A Latin phrase which translates to
Vini Vidi Vici vee-ne vee-de vee-che verb
"A Latin phrase which translates to

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girls who get up on stage when band performing
The feeling you get when you have too much beer.